Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Song of War Chapter Nine

Zeus patrols the main path and approaches the edge of the mulberry trees from the east. There is no mistaking it is a battlefield as grackles and robins fight in the trees and in the air. After a few moments Zeus realizes that the grackles had bolstered their ranks.

From over the tree tops a grackle swoops as a larger bird is in hot pursuit. The grackle screams in fear and agony as a blue jay makes powerful pecks against the back of his head. Zeus recognizes Buster and as Buster notices Zeus he breaks off his attack allowing the grackle to flee to the west.

Buster lands on the top of the fence as Zeus makes his way over.

"Appears you made your choice," Zeus started.
"Word of what you cats did reached far and didn't want to be on the wrong side of that. Offered my services to the crown."
"We appreciate that."
"We are one here."
"Interesting. I like that."
Zeus nodded toward the battle and said "We had thinned their numbers but they appear as strong as ever."
"No matter. I will knock their numbers down one by one."
"I'm sure you will. Glad to have you here."

Buster nods and takes off to rejoin the battle. 

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